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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Med Term Chapter 6 Notes

Chapter 6 Notes

ilium = bony hip
ileum = small intestine

Cell parts
1. Nucleus
2. Cytoplasm
3. Cell membrane

Symmetric – cells of the body except sex cells
Stem – underdifferential cells that give rise to specialized cells

sex cells(gametes) = eggs and sperm

Tissue 4 types
1. Epithelial tissue
2. Connective tissue
3. Nerve tissue
4. Muscle tissue

Body System Organs (11)
1. Cardiovascular – circulatory system
2. Lymphatic – protects & gives immunity
3. Respiratory – internal (cells) and external (breathing)
4. Digestive
5. Urinary – kidney, bladder
6. Reproductive – produces offspring
7. Muscular – connected to skeletal
8. Skeletal – connected to muscular
9. Nervous
10. Integumentary – skin, hair, nails
11. Endocrine – hormonal

anatomy – study of structure
physiology – study of function

anatomical planes – imaginary flat surfaces used to identify position of the body


Position Name Directional
front/back frontal plane front/back anterior/posterior ventral/dorsal

left/right sagittal plane side – lateral

top/bottom transverse plane superior/inferior cephalad/inferior

ventral and antero mean front

anterior/posterior – plane that divides the body – frontal plane
ventral/dorsal – plane that divides the body – frontal plane

superficial – near the surface, closer to the surface. Skin is superficial to muscle
deep – within – opposite of superficial [it’s either on the surface or it’s deep]

anatomic position – position that a person has while standing erect with the arms at the sides and palms forward
decubitus – lying down

prone – facedown supine – lying on back – face up
pronate supinate
pronation (palms down) supination (palms up)

body is made u of 2 regions: torso and extremities

Abdomen – 4 quadrants

right upper quadrant | left upper quadrant
right lower quadrant | left lower quadrant

Nine atonomical positions

right hypochondriac |epigastric | left hypochondriac
| |
| |
right lumbar | umbilical | left lumbar
| |
right inguinal | hypogastric | left inguinal
| |

1. Cranial
2. Spinal Note: cranial and spinal make up dorsal cavity
3. Thoracic [thoracic and abdominal separated by diaphragm
4. Abdominal
5. Pelvic (Note thoracic, abdominal, pelvic make up ventral cavity)
peritoneum lines the belly and every internal organ
parietal peritoneum – (outside) lines abdominal and pelvic walls – outside layer
visceral peritoneum (inside) contains large folds that wear in between the organs binding them to one another and to the walls of the cavity – inside lines of organs
parietinitis - inflammation of parietal peritoneum

NOTE: osis typically means condition but also increased condition

inflammation – tissue reaction to injury recognized by PAIN, HEAT, REDNESS, SWELLING

hypertrophy – size of cells increase
hyperplasia – abnormal increase in number of normal cells (does not mean cancerous)

anaplastic – characteristics of carcinoma

-plasia = development/formation/growth
dys – pain
an ana – without
hypo – below
hyper – excessive
ana – upward, excessive, again

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