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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Med Term Chapter 4 Words - Meanings match to Words Sort 3

____surgical repair of the head
____bladder hernia
____hardening of the arteries
____paralysis x4 extermities
____above seizure
____pain in the muscle or muscles
____without nutrition
____one who shows excessive preoccupation with fire
____a disease of the blood-forming organs
____condition of being white
____red blood cell
____small visual examination
____pertaining to blue
____black tumor
____inflammation of the breast
____substance capable of destroying blood
____disease of the eye
____collection of
____process of measuring the head
____yellow condition
____pertaining to the head
____study of poisions
____green leaf
____relieving pain
____process of destroying blood
____painful swallowing
____against new growth
____dark pigment of the skin,hair, eyes

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